Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras

To renew my visto residência

First, I had to make an appointment by calling them (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras: SEF, 808962690 (from mobile phone), 808202653 (from fixed phone)).
Note: You have to be patient no matter how long they may keep you waiting until they put you through to the operator. It may take several minutes, which is long enough when you are just listening to the "while you're waiting message and music".

Then, went there to let them check if I prepare required documents properly for application for cartaõ residência, which seems to be one of forms of extended visto residência.

«List of Documents»
  • Application Form (down loadable at
  • Passport (original and photocopy of the pages of personal data and visto residência)
  • Portrait (2)
  • Atestado de Residência (to be issued at Junta de Freguesia of place of residence)
  • Proof of financial situation (i.e., bank statement, record of annual balance (Saldo Medio Anual))
  • Registration at Centro de Saude (Health Centre)
  • Requerimento, Declaraçao (to be given at SEF)
Your documents may be processed at the first appointment or you will be given another appointment at a later date.

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